Back, and better than ever!
Experience the future of execution with Zenith.
Why Zenith?
We have tons of features that make us stand out, here's a few.
Zenith allows you to decompile in-game scripts with incredible accuracy, allowing for reliable game saving/copying.
Multiple Games
Complete multi-instance paradise. Reliable, stable, and effortless auto-farming and script execution without compromising your FPS or needing multiple computers.
Next-generation execution
Discover what makes Zenith different from the rest.
Drawing Library
Proper imgui-based drawing library that is both completely stealthy and reliable. We don't use Lua to create in-game UIs unlike our competitors.
We understand how annoying it is to not be able to use your executor. This is we have worked to ensure maximal uptime while offering you the best experience possible. Zenith offers compensation on downtime to the second, you get your moneys worth.
No Bulls**t
We give you what you pay for, a robust execution experience. It's reliable, stable, and safe. Just as you'd expect for a script executor. We don't dilly dally, and we've proven this.
We allow for UI customisability, adjusting buttons, hiding panels, and overall making your experience creating and developing scripts a ton easier.
Visual Studio Code Compatibility
Zenith comes with a free Visual Studio Code extension to allow you to work on, and execute, scripts directly from the robust IDE. Making scripting a heaven for those who enjoy using Visual Studio Code.
When engineering scripts on Zenith, you may have the fear of errors catching you out. With us, this isn't the case. With errors that occur from scripts you run, we redirect them very safely to our output console, giving you peace of mind.
Purchase Now
Competitively priced, yet the best script execution experience on the market.
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